Monday, April 26, 2010

Defining Used Furniture Terminology

Used office furniture is an alternative to new furniture, especially when users are price sensitive, but still demand a high quality product. Business cycles in different industries lead to the availability of used furniture. The benefits to buying used furniture are numerous but not all used office furniture is created equally. For the most part there are three different types of used furniture: as-is, refurbished, and remanufactured.

As-is office furniture is exactly the type of furniture as it sounds, as is. This means that the retailer will sell their furniture in the same condition they received it in. This option for used furniture is the least expensive option. It does however provide users with the least options. Matching as-is furniture with current furniture is sometimes difficult and finding a large matching quantity of this type of furniture in good shape can occasionally be difficult. Most used furniture retailers do recognize high quality used furniture that is in good shape and will usually only stock good as-is used furniture options. If matching current furniture is not of much concern than a lot of very high quality office furniture can be found at as low as $0.10 on the dollar versus comparable new furniture.

The second category of used office furniture is refurbished. This category of furniture has had minimal updates but has been repaired to a close to new condition. The repairs could include new paint or replacement veneer. This category is a little more expensive than as-is, but provides customers with a few more options to match the furniture to existing furniture.

The third category of furniture is remanufactured office furniture. This is the most expensive category of used furniture, but it still provides businesses with significant cost savings over new furniture. Typically, businesses can expect to save at least 25% compared to new prices, and usually they can expect to save more. This category is also unique because businesses can customize their furniture. Colors and styles can be chosen just as if the product were new and matching to existing furniture becomes very easy.

These three options are all available to those looking to buy high quality furniture, but who do not want to spend a fortune. Most large communities will have a used furniture dealer that sells quality; used office chairs used workstations and other used case goods.

This article was written by Dynamic Office Services

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